Another Filipino is fast making a name in the international field of filmmaking.
Will Fredo was named Best Director in the ongoing International Film Festival Manhattan (IFFM) in New York City which runs until Nov. 15 at the Quad Cinemas, 34 West 13th Street, New York.
Will Fredo earned his feat for the movie “The Caregiver,” which tells the story of an injured “sepaktakraw” player and his male caregiver. The two eventually developed an unlikely attraction that had the caregiver thread an unexpected discovery of his real self.
Fredo, who is known for disturbing and provocative films, is the only Filipino winner of the Merit and Juried awards handed during the award night which coincided with the opening ceremonies on Nov. 8.
Other winners were Stefan Immler for “Oxygen for Ears” (Best US Documentary), Tetsu Shiratori (Japan) for “Inori” (Best Global Documentary), Daren Press for “Theresa is a Mother” (Best US Narrative) and Nikolay Iliev (Bulgaria) for “The Foreigner” (Best Global Narrative).