Local Winnipeg photographers along with student photographers volunteered their time on Saturday, December 7, for the global movement called Help Portrait.
Help Portrait is a world-wide event consisting of photographers, make-up artists, and hairstylists coming together to give back to their community. Pictures are taken of local families free of charge. It gives families across the world a chance to have a portrait together—something they may have never had before.
Schools from across the city provided photographers venues to set up studios for the day of the event. Each school had three studios for families to choose from. One of these schools included Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute (DMCI), a school with the majority of the students being Filipino.
The day of the event was a success, with many families and friends getting together to have their picture taken. In DMCI alone, almost 60 families attended the event. There were snacks, drinks, and lunch provided for both volunteers and families.
As each studio was being packed up at the end of the day, Mrs. Perla, a volunteer from DMCI, presented each photographer with a book about Canada’s History of Photography. It was a token of appreciation for participating with Help Portrait.
Help Portrait 2013 was a huge accomplishment around the world, with over 34,937 people given portraits in 32 countries. 2,091 photographers, 689 make-up artists, 497 hairstylists, and 4,537 volunteers helped make this year another achievement.