This is my last article of 2020. I have to be honest; I am so looking forward to this year ending. I am sure you all feel the same way.
I’d be a liar if I said that I was okay and never had any challenges and struggles this year. I am more than done with the virus and wearing a mask. I hate not being able to hug my family and enjoy a simple dinner with them. I miss enjoying coffee with a friend. I miss going out with my husband. I miss travelling and seeing new places. I miss total freedom.
Despite it all, I am very grateful for what really matters most—my family, my friends, and you – our loyal readers. People are truly what matter the most on this earth and our relationships with them. Just think about how you would not have gotten through this year without the support of your friends, family, and co-workers.
As we move into the final days of 2020 – and as I look forward to my 40th birthday – I like to think what I have learned in 2020 and in the last 39 years of my life.
I like to think about what will make the next year – or the next 40 years – the most meaningful. And this is what I came up with:
1. Love yourself FIRST.
2. You can’t fill from an empty cup.
3. Learn to say NO.
4. Love like it’s your last day on Earth.
5. Forgive unconditionally.
6. Prioritize happiness.
7. Health is wealth.
8. Be grateful.
9. Life is for experiencing.
10. But don’t get into debt.
11. Speak your truth.
12. Remember your roots.
13. There’s no place like home.
14. Travel. It’s the best way to learn about yourself, humanity and the world.
15. There’s really no Planet B.
16. Live within your means.
17. You get what you pay for.
18. There’s beauty in simplicity.
19. Life is short.
20. Memento Mori. You are going to die.
21. No justice, no peace.
22. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
23. You’ll never find balance in life but try to.
24. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
25. Don’t be afraid to admit you are wrong.
26. Do something now that in ten years you’ll thank yourself for.
27. Never stop learning.
28. Spend time alone and avoid those who can’t.
29. Remember those who were there for you when you’re at your worst.
30. And remember those who weren’t.
31. Don’t go to bed angry.
32. Everything rises and passes. It’s a law of nature.
33. You don’t have to attend every event to which you’re invited.
34. Learn to keep your mouth shut.
35. A true friendship picks up where you left off, no matter how much time has passed.
36. Take the leap of faith.
37. Get out of your comfort zone.
38. Seek out people who tell you the hard truths you need to hear.
39. Pay it forward.
40. Realize you are infinitely powerful and beautiful.
2020, despite its notorious reputation, has taught me so much about myself and life in general.
I have learned that being more intentional about what we want (and don’t want) in our lives allows us to not only make progress towards changes we are making but gives us a chance to learn and enjoy along the way.
I also realized that when my actions are infused with meaning and my thoughts with gratitude, life seems sweeter and my connections and commitments are stronger.
It is bittersweet that I write my last article of 2020. Thank you so much for reading my articles and for being a part of our Filipino Journal family. I wish you the very best life has to offer, a happy holiday, and let’s all look forward to welcoming a safer and happier 2021!
Goodbye 2020. Hello 40!
With the current pandemic affecting her life and health and potentially ruining her 40th birthday celebration in the New Year, Jomay started a personal project called “Musings with Jomay”, a video series drawn from her personal journey and experiences. Please visit or follow her on Facebook @MusingsWithJomay.