Filipino Seniors Group of Winnipeg Annual General Meeting

Filipino Seniors Group of Winnipeg Annual General Meeting

The Filipino Seniors Group of Winnipeg will be holding its Annual General Meeting and election of officers on Sunday, November 16, at 2pm at the FSGW Hall at 49 Euclid Avenue.

Please remember to renew your annual membership fee of $5.00.

AGM Agenda: President’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Auditor’s Report, Nomination and election of Board of Directors. Nominations are now also being accepted, nominees will be asked to fill up and sign a form. Refreshment and fellowship

We encourage you to come and exercise your right to vote the candidate you believe will make a difference in our association or, be nominated and elected to the FILIPINO SENIORS GROUP OF WINNIPEG Board of Directors and become part of the governing body. Your attendance, participation and input in this meeting is very important for the future of the Filipino Seniors Group of Winnipeg Association.