President Duterte hit the nail right in the head. The president said recently that there are many people involved in the so-called ‘golf course’ syndicate in anomalous biddings of government projects. And may I add Mr. President, that it’s not only on golf courses where fake bidding is frequently done . It is done on restaurants which must not be far from where the government agency will conduct the actual bidding.
Let’s explain further. Formal bidding happens in the agency office, say for example at a district office of Department of Public and Highways, National Irrigation Agency, Department of Education etc. etc. In most cases, the ‘sindikato’ already conducted their own ‘bidding’ and the winning bidder is already pinpointed and including the price of the winning bid. The arrangement is for the pre-arranged winner to set aside three percent of the total package cost to be equitably distributed among the designated participants. ‘Pamalengke’, is their term for it.
Let’s be graphic for easier understanding how things were done and still being done with impunity despite repeated expose, warnings and even congressional investigations.
The procurement law mandates that all government projects are to be subjected to competitive bidding, and that biddings of projects are to be advertised on newspapers of general circulation and on the PHILGEP, the government website. Having done that, the concerned agency will start selling bid documents, and the amount will depend on the project cost.
Now the participants will be known and who will be participating in the bidding. The work starts for the ‘sindikato’ here.
The pinpointed winning bidder has his money ready for distribution to the bidding participants. The three percent will now be distributed equitably and everybody will be happy on their way to the bank. They got their ‘pamalengke’, but not yet the people from the regional and district offices whose sticky fingers must be greased, or else…
When you come to think of it why most government infrastructure projects are substandard, it is because every project is marked with corruption. In that rigged bidding, the congressman in the district has to be given his demanded share. That’s only the first instance. There is a long list of people who will assert what’s due them based on what’s euphemistically called SOP (standard operating procedure). Maybe 10 or 15% for congresssman, 5 or 10 % on the head of the agency, small percentages on every office like quality control, resident auditor, cashier and few others who will be given balato.
You minus the VAT of 12% and the allowable 10% contractor’s profit, you have now ladies and gentlemen how much went into that road project. Two years later you will see cracks.
Congressman Rimpy Bondoc is playing coy. He said he is ‘still undecided’if he will make run for the governorship in May next year.
’Para sa kalusugan ng bayan, bisikleta ang kailangan, said San Fernando Mayor Edwin Santiago. Mayor will you please cause the allotting of bike lanes in the city, please. MacArthur Highway stretch from Angeles to your city.
The thousands of graduates at the City College of Angeles City will be forever grateful to Mayor Ed Pamintuan. He made college education affordable to the less privileged.
Editor’s Note: Formerly newspaperman of Daily Inquirer and other major dailies; former TV and radio Broadcaster.
Former Director of various corporations like Clark Development Co.; and a former City of Angeles Councillor. Now a regular columnist of Sun Star Pampanga