By Leila Castro
This is too exciting not to share! I was invited with other members of the Filipino community for a meeting at CBC studio with CBC broadcasters Marjorie Dowhos (she’s Pinay), Marcy Markusa, Janet Stewart and the network’s key people.
CBC Prairie and North Region’s Senior Managing Director John Bertrand wants CBC cover powerful stories from the Filipino community. It was a lively and productive conversation, we gave CBC insights and advice on how to make Filipinos feel comfortable and speak up in the presence of their media people.
We told CBC that many are hesitant to be interviewed because they worry that they might say things in incorrect English, or they might have mental block; in which case CBC said that “it is ok to make mistakes, it is ok to stammer, it is ok to forget what you wanted to say”. In the coming days, expect CBC media people frequenting Filipino community events and celebrations.