Aldrin and Miriam Deuna celebrates silver wedding anniversary

Aldrin and Miriam Deuna celebrates silver wedding anniversary

A perfect surprise for a double-event celebrations, it is also the 50th birthday of Miriam

Aldrin and Miriam Deuna celebrated their 25th wedding ceremony with surprise. A perfect surprise to have a double-event marking also Miriam’s 50th birthday celebration.

Complete secrecy had been observed by the organizers led by Aldrin Deuna, together with their children, Anthony Francis, Allaine Chezka, Fatima and Aldrin Carmelo Deuna with the cooperation of Myxzimages and Natalie de Leon.

Many had been involved in the preparation while Miriam was in Manila for a short holiday.

At the ceremony held at Holiday Inn, the family members, the wedding entourage, the organizers and the guests were so cooperative to make the celebration unforgettable. When Miriam arrived at the hotel, she was welcomed by her friends who started preparing her for the celebration. Upon entering the reception hall, she could believe what was happening. Reality stroke her with surprises, and almost cried without words. That was a perfect surprise for her who was also celebrating her 50th birthday.

Aldrin and Miriam extended their heartfelt thank yous to those who were involved in the preparation making the double celebration a perfect surprise! Priceless moments!

Photos by Henry Balanial