Urban Fishing Derby at The Forks

Urban Fishing Derby at The Forks

The annual GNA Urban Fishing Derby drew over 300 anglers to The Forks on Saturday, September 2. The banks of the Assiniboine River were lined with competitors vying for prizes in the Adult and Kids categories. This free to enter event gives away a top prize of a boat and trailer every year. A huge channel catfish is what is needed most years to have a chance at Top 3 in each division although there are also occasionally big carp or sturgeon that make it into the standings.

Dozens of kababayan anglers came out to compete and volunteer once again this year. The derby raised over $1600 for the Never Alone Foundation and Marymound.

Organizer Todd Longley wanted to pass along thanks to our community for their continued support and active participation in local fishing activiites. No FAAM members made it into the Top prizes this year, but young angler Damon Espinosa won the Kids Conservation Award for his diligent fishing the whole four hours of the event. Alyssa and Kayla Labaupa won first and second place in the Media category as well.

For anyone interested, join the Filipino Anglers Association of Manitoba group on Facebook for more information about all things fishing in our province.