SEMFA parties with a bang

SEMFA Officers

The South Eastman Filipino Association (SEMFA) recently celebrated its Holiday Party with a bang!

From Christmas Party, the council changed it to Holiday Party to cater to all religious groups in the Filipino community.

Kababayans came from all around the southeast regions such as Blumenorth, St Anne, La Broquerie, Marchand, Rosenorth, and Morris. The event was also graced by local businesses, politicians, and sponsors.

And just like any party, the celebration would have not been complete without food, entertainment, and raffle prizes.

SEMFA also recognized Jennifer Gagar and Mergie Seewald as Volunteers of the Year. A small token was also presented to Jim Peters for his 17 years of dedication and service to SEMFA.

SEMFA partnered with the Hylife coordinator and IRM church to welcome newcomers and Pat Porter Active Living Centre for the venue. SEMFA has recently welcomed 179 new members and is still open to welcoming more.

For inquiries about membership and anything about the organization, you may get in touch with SEMFA president, Greg Carlos at

Article & photos supplied by Greg Carlos