PCCM officers and board of directors inducted

PCCM officers and board of directors inducted

It was a night to remember when PCCM held a hawaiian night recently. PCCM’s multipurpose room was decorated with hawaiian motiffs and all the guests came to the party donned with hawaiaan dresses and lies as if they were just arrived from a hawaiian cruise.

With the non-stopped music by EJ Sound and the food prepared by officers and board of directors, the hawaiian night had become a great escape for the guests. Continuous dancing was the order of the night and everybody had loved the party. “Oh, my gush, I am enjoying this party for the first time, i do hope that more parties will be like this,” one guest who had not stopped dancing. “Enjoy na enjoy ako,” another guest commented. “Kelan ba ang next party ninyo?” “Don’t worry, our next social party will be coming soon,” said Gem Anis, chair, PCCM fundraising committee.

The highlight of the nigth was the formal induction of the 2010 PCCM officers and board of directors. Mayoralty candidate Judy Wasylycia-Leis. Inducted were Rod E. Cantiveros president; Allan Zoleta, vice-president; Julie Javier, treasurer; Dr. Irene Guzman, asst. treasurer; Clarita Nazario, recording secretary; Jun Oquendo, corresponding secretary; Norman Padilla, internal auditor. Board of directors include Lito Taruc, Leah Enverga-Magsino, Noel Cadelina, Nap Ebora, Gem Anis, Kelly Legaspi, Rica Roque and Jing Asperin.

Special thanks to Eddie Balaquit of EJ Sounds; Aldrin and Mirriam Deuna for decorated balloons, Gigi Shand for hawaiian decors, Kathy and the hawaiian dancers, and to all door prize donors and guests.