MILF organizing political party for 2016 and beyond


The United Bangsamoro Justice Party is being organized as the political party of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).
MILF Vice-Chair GhazaliJaafar said that it would not be for 2016 only. The MILF and the Bangsamoro would be democratic and participatory that’s why it would be beyond 2016.

Jaafaralso said that the political party would be open not only to MILF members. They will welcome everybody but they also have to go through a certain screening. The party is still discussing on how the screening would go.

He said the structure of the Bangsamoro political party is being drawn up by the MILF central committee.

Jaafar said the MILF looks forward to the Philippine Development Forum to be held here Thursday, where donor nations and organizations would pledge their funding support to the planned Bangsamoro government.