IMMIGRATION LAW: How Does the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Assess Applications

IMMIGRATION LAW:  How Does the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Assess Applications

The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program is an immigration selection program in which Manitoba selects applicants who have a strong likelihood of becoming successful and permanently established in Manitoba.

What happens when an application is filed?
When an application arrives at the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program office, the application is date stamped and goes through a pre-screening process. Applications that do not meet the core criteria of the program or are too incomplete will be sent back. If the application is accepted for assessment, it will be randomly assigned to a program officer. A file will be created and a file number will be assigned.

How important is the file number?
A file number is key as this number makes it easier for an application to be tracked. It is important that applicants keep a record of the file number once they receive it.

How is the application assessed?
Manitoba does two assessments of all applications. During the first assessment, a program officer will review the application and provide a recommendation.

Once the first assessment is done, a second program officer will review the work of the first officer to make sure all proper policies and procedures were followed. The second officer will be the one who will do further verification of the application including calling any employers who have made a long term job offer or friends or relatives who have offered support.

If both officers agree, a final decision will be made. If there is a disagreement between the first and second assessment, a third program officer will review the file.

If an application is refused, the applicant will receive a letter indicating the reasons for the refusal. If the application is approved, a provincial nominee program certificate will be issued and a package will be sent to the applicant. The applicant will receive instructions to file the application with a Canadian visa office before the expiry date of the certificate.

This Article is prepared for general information purposes only and is intended to provide comments for readers and friends of the Filipino Journal. The contents should not be viewed as legal advice or opinion.

Reis is a lawyer with the law firm of Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson LLP and practices in the areas of immigration law. His direct line is 957-4640. If you would like to know more about Reis or Aikins you can visit the firm’s web page at, follow Reis on Twitter at!/ImmigrationReis, or connect with him on LinkedIn at