Friendship and Good Intention

Friendship and Good Intention

by Leila Castro

In August 20, the 204FM admins gathered together for a barbeque to wrap up the July 204FM picnic event, to look back at the past months and discuss learnings, and to plan for future events and improvements. I am sharing here some of our photos.

It is an honour and pleasure for me to be one of the eight administrators behind the 204 Filipino Marketplace social media group. To give you a little bit of our history, before 204FM was created, we (admins) had not known each other. The day that the social media group was launched was also the day one of our friendship. After more than a year of managing the 204FM social media group that now has 34,000 members (estimated that 30,000 Filipino Manitobans or half of Filipino household in Manitoba are connected), our friendship bond is still as strong and we are always on self check to ensure that what we do for the group comes with good intention. Aside from myself, the other admins are Elaine Tumbokon, Charry Ibañez, Aleli Carandang, Angelic Bagsic, Kaiser Tormo, Ian Sarmiento and Jopay Alnas. If by chance you bump into any of us anywhere in the city, we are friendly and humble and you won’t even know that we are the admins.

We are all volunteers, we don’t get paid for the admin works that we do. More than being sort of the police for social media group, we love seeing the members’ heartwarming posts and comments, and hearing wonderful stories from people that leveraged 204FM for the success of their endeavor.