Actress Yassi Presman recently posted a TIktok video in a revealing 2-piece bikini which received different reactions from the netizen.
As a response, Yassi said, “Whatever shape you may have at the moment, you should be proud of yourself and your body.”
“I’ve always been open as well about my journey with my body and I’ve shown you all my stages,” added Yassi.
The actress advised her followers to just keep doing what they do, sharing her past experience when she was always afraid to show who she really was in fear of being judged. She said that she is more open and more accepting now of what and how she really is with all her flaws and imperfections, not caring about what other people would say.
“I’m 27 years old now, and I’m proud of my body… of what I have been through. I try to make women more aware of our diversity and hopefully make us all a little bit less self-conscious,” Yassi said during a recent media gathering.
Photo source: Yassi Pressman TikTok