Post Title: U-Pick Berry experience at different Manitoba farms
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Caption: Berry picking has been a summer tradition among Manitobans including kababayans who just love bonding with family and friends outdoors. Back in May, farmers have expressed uncertainties on how the picking season would go this year given the COVID-19 pandemic, but they remained cautiously optimistic. After most berry farms opened their doors to pickers in mid-June, the picking season is now nearing its end. A visit on the final stretch of the season to Cormier Berry Patch in La Salle, Manitoba on July 19 on an early rainy morning was actually a surprise. Twenty minutes after the farm opened at 8 am, a number of vehicles were already parked with around 20 more lined up to get in. Visitors also started picking berries at their designated rows. "We actually had the same number of visitors as previous years. What was different was they all showed up earlier in the day rather than spread out throughout the day like in the past years," owner Angie Cormier said. Among the pickers that day were twin sisters and first time pickers, Jeree and Jelee Lagac who said that they felt safer doing an activity in an open space and far from other people, not worrying too much about catching the virus.