Travellers and students encouraged to register as absentee voters

Travellers and students encouraged to register as absentee voters

Manitobans who are travelling, working, or studying away from home still have an opportunity to vote in the upcoming provincial election.

A voter who will be away during advance voting, September 24 to October 1, and on election day, October 4, can be an absentee voter as long as he or she:

• is a Canadian citizen;
• is at least 18 years of age on or before election day;
• has resided in Manitoba for at least six months immediately before election day;
• intends to be away for no more than six months.

This time restriction does not apply to members of the Canadian Forces, students attending school outside Manitoba, individuals working with the Manitoba or Canadian government or anyone living with people who meet these conditions.

Applications for absentee voting are available from the Elections Manitoba web site: or from the returning office in each electoral division.

All absentee ballots must be received in the returning office by 8:00 pm on election day.