Manila – I am addressing the Christian Community regardless where they are geographically located, or what tribe and race they belong to. My question, is: have you seen the face of Christ Jesus be it in a vision, or dream, or art portrayal? Let me tell you my story.
Saturday morning of 17 September 2017, I woke up, around nine o’clock. I slept late from a four hour long afternoon meeting for I got home by 12:00 midnight owing to heavy traffic jam.
For my morning devotion, I viewed and listened to a testimonial video, “Jewish Professor Saw Jesus Christ in an Open Vision”. I was, however, distracted by the incessant barkings of the dogs that constrained me to place the celfon unit close to my ears and shut down my eyes to intently listen to the recording drowned by the cacophony of sounds.
\With my eyes closed, suddenly I saw the spontaneous appearance of a wooden Cross and before it is a “Face”. The face have intense eyes, sports a short beard, but not with a long hair. The complexion is not fair; but, tanned, like a golden brown skin.
The countenance I clearly saw is definitely not the outline of the face we saw in postcards, or religious frames portrayed as Jesus Christ. I was shocked.
Recovering my composure, immediately I circulated a text message to my circle of friends in the faith community. The Director General of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship of the Philippines, Christy Jutare, replied requesting my eMail address. She is sending an image shared to her by a fellow Christian when she was still posted in Eastern Europe, drawn by an eight year old kid that claimed she saw the face of Christ in a vision; but, blurry until she met a stranger – a carpenter – that exactly looks like the image she saw in her vision.
The portray as sketched by Akiane, was affirmed by another kid who was declared clinically dead; but, returned to life and testified he had a glimpse how Christ Jesus look like when he saw Heaven.
Goosebumps was all over my body as I looked at the “face”. If the image have a wooden cross behind as background I will say the image is the exact representation of what I saw in my vision.
The pasted image in this article is the image I ” saw”.
Twenty-one years ago, 13 August 1996 I was diagnosed of terminal ailment – Leukemia – Cancer of the Blood. My lead physician, the late Dr Rudy Narvas, did not exactly say that I am a goner in six months. What he said was, “Bob, you will still enjoy the fireworks of the new year; but, after that our team could no longer guarantee you will still be around beyond 1997. What we can gurantee, however, is: we will do our best to slow down the deterioration of your health”.
Providentially, I received miraculous healing – I survived Leukemia. Some medical experts opined my healing might be mere remission, which might recur on the twenty-fifth year.
Regardless, of the experts’ opinion, as long as I have breath, I will keep on testifying and affirm, God heals.
Let me conclude this piece by stating that I am not encouraging anyone to idolize the image I saw in my vision.
That would be idolatry.
What I encourage is, pursue the Giver of the gifts of vision and dreams. He who grants miraculous divine healing is worthy to be worshipped.