Staying Connected during COVID-19

Staying Connected during COVID-19

Staying connected to each other during these challenging and stressful times is more important than ever. Along with my morning coffee, I’ve replaced my daily good mornings at the office with video calls to coworkers and associates. It’s a new thing for all of us and I’m hoping it’s only temporary as I do miss my coworkers. We have our weekly meetings on Microsoft Teams and it’s always great to see them on my monitor. Until things get back to normal we live in a new and evolving reality of staying connected to our networks.

FaceTime, video chats, Zoom and Teams calls will be the new normal for staying connected.

Video chats between family and friends have always been on popular phone messaging apps such as Facebook, Viber or WhatsApp. I hear HouseParty is the new app for the cool kids and I’ll have to check that out soon.

In recent weeks, online meeting platforms such as Zoom, GoToMeeting and Teams are now making their way into personal use. Or rather, professionals that used it for business are now using at home, for both business and personal endeavours. There are Zoom workout groups doing yoga and Zumba. There are virutal coffee meetings, also virtual gossip around virtual watercoolers.

No matter how you stay connected, be creative and whether you connect by phone, video chat or group chat, any connection is better than no connection.

What are you doing? Do you have other ideas? Email us at and we’ll add them to our list.

Photo courtesy: Ron Cantiveros