Simple Strategies for Speaking Success

Simple Strategies for Speaking Success

By Ray Mutuc Advisor with Randy Viray Financial Services Inc.

We were fortunate to have Deri Latimer speak at our event about “Presence On The Platform: Simple Strategies For Speaking Success.” Deri covered the fears involved when it comes to public speaking and how to overcome them. Giving us the phrase “I don’t need to die, it’s as easy as pie!” Pie being the acronym for Purposeful, Inspiring, and Engaging. She equipped us with different components and ingredients to have a successful speaking engagement.
As mentioned earlier people would rather face death than to speak in public. According to the acronym P.I.E. P was for being purposeful. Deri asked the audience “what is your purpse?” and to be clear about it. I was for Inspiring. Share your accomplishments and to be inspired about what you’re speaking about. E was for engaging, by being interactive with the audience and getting close to people. Deri’s purpose is to move people from the grave to pie hence the phrase “I don’t need to die, it’s as easy as pie!”
During the presentation Deri gave us some key tips and ingredients to successful presentations. She covered the thoughts inside our minds before arriving at an event. Deri said our thoughts lead to how we feel and how we behave. Meaning what you expect is what you create. We should always come in with a positive mental attitude creating the atmosphere we expect. Body language also plays a key role. Deri said our communication is 93% non-verbal and 7% verbal. She says to maintain eye contact, use hand gestures, and control your tone of voice. Also to always be approachable. Some of many key take aways that Deri taught us.
Deri was a huge treat to have at the MFBC meeting. Great value added to what we get as MFBC members and business owners. If you missed this one, you won’t want to miss the next MFBC event.