Proceeds for MaCCFA’s Mrs.Philppines-Manitoba 2014 are for HELPfund and for Yolanda’s reconstruction projects in LEYTE

Proceeds for MaCCFA’s Mrs.Philppines-Manitoba 2014 are for HELPfund and for Yolanda’s reconstruction projects in LEYTE

If there is a council which is dedicated to help the less fortunate in the Philippines and in some other parts of the world, the Manitoba Council of Canadian Filipino Associations Inc.can be accorded as one of the most active groups in raising funds.

And to make a record straight, the Haiti Fund raising campaign with FCTPAM, MaCCFA submitted the amount raised totalling to more than $19,000; and to Haiyan (Yolanda),the two groups raised $26,753.89 with the matching dollar for dollar from the Federal Government. MaCCFA officials submitted the amount to Red Cross on time. MaCCFA together with other groups had been given recognition by the Red Cross during the special award ceremony held at the Government House where Lt. Gov. Philip Lee handed the certificate of thanks and recognition.

” We have all the records of our fundraising events for public information. We spend our own money and time to address our mandate. Even the Red Cross stipulate that an organization can get 5% of the amount raised for fund raising expenses, MaCCFA did not get that 5% for administrative expenses, instead, the amount was totally donated for Haiyan victims,” says Rod E. Cantiveros, president of MaCCFA. “Anybody can ask us our record, and we will publish our financial records to inform our supporters and donors.

And in this coming major fundraising of MaCCFA, the Mrs. Philippines-Manitoba 2014, the proceeds have been assigned to the HELPfund, a calamity fund and for the reconstructions in Leyte.

“We have made connections to facilitate our plans to help the reconstructions in Leyte. We sent letter of intention to the person who is more engaged in the reconstructions,” Letty Antonio, adviser of MaCCFA, said. “As we have done before, all our fundraising efforts are intended to help the victims of the calamity.

Another first in the Filipino community is when MaCCFA officers and board members were inducted by the officer of SILOAM Mission when they spent their own money, and with the help of some donors, to serve the less fortunate in Winnipeg. Instead of formal dinner-dance, the officers, members and volunteers had donated time and money to be with the people who would need more food.

“We are the first Filipino organization to hold this special event at Siloam Missions. And we are planning more events which will address the needs of less fortunate in Winnipeg,” said Julie Javier, vice president of MaCCFA.