Record Participation Marks League Opening
A record of 61 teams with at least 12 more coming marks the biggest participation of over 900 athletes in PBA/Lipenos history during the opening ceremony at the Garden City Collegiate on Nov 17, 2013.
Thanks to our Major sponsors Loreto Opinga of Loralee Cleaning Services, Larry Vickar of Vickar Automobile Group, Mike Pagtakhan Councilor of Point Douglas, Sarte Heating and Cooling, MLA Brian Pallister of Fort Whyte, Kevin Chief Minister of Youth and Children Opportunities, Randy Viray Randy Viray Financial Services, Ari Kravetz Owner Lincoln Motor Hotel/Viking Inn Gimli, Fernando Cano and Marten Shlafman of RBC.
Donations to the Canadian Red Cross will be accepted during all PBA league games every Sunday at Garden City Collegiate.