National Conference Ottawa

National Conference Ottawa

A national conference attended by all associations that had projects on elder abuse awareness was held in Ottawa on January 27, 2011. The partnership of the Knights of Rizal and MAFTI that was awarded a grant to carry out a project called, “ Innovative Cultural Approaches in the Prevention of Elder Abuse” ( ICAPEA) was represented by Gemma Dalayoan, Program Designer and Jean Guiang, Project Coordinator. Delegates from different provinces shared all outputs of their projects. These included videos, brochures, pamphlets, pictures , posters, and other handouts to show the different activities of all federally-projects.

Program officers from Ottawa will be coming to Winnipeg to further evaluate the KOR and MAFTI project which is almost done except for a Peer Tutoring training to selected seniors who will be helping their co-seniors report cases of abuse to the proper authorities.