Manitobans can gather in bigger groups starting May 22

One of the recent announcements made by officials in lieu of Restoring Safe Services in Manitoba brings good news to Manitobans.

Starting May 22, the limit on gathering sizes will be increased to no more than 25 people in indoor premises and 50 people in outdoor areas, provided that social distancing will still be practised. This was the announcement made by Manitoba’s Chief Public Health Official, Dr Brent Roussin, in the televised daily updates last Wednesday, May 20.

Other changes such as an expansion of the types of businesses that can reopen are being discussed and more details will be announced once those decisions are made.

“It’s not a return to normal,” Roussin said. “We’re still dealing with this virus and we’re still going to need to deal with this virus for some time, so we need to take those precautions.”

In addition, limited outdoor visitation in care homes will be allowed starting May 29. Individual facilities are putting procedures in place and will be contacting families directly to provide details including the start date, locations and hours for visitation.

“Now that we have the warmer weather upon us, there is an opportunity to allow increased visitor access for care home residents, and this will be through outdoor visits,” said Shared Health’s Lanette Siragusa.

Visitors to the care homes will undergo screening along with hand hygiene and physical distancing. A maximum of two people will be allowed at a time.