Manitoba Career Colleges: An Intergral Part of Canada Job Grant Implementation

Manitoba Career Colleges: An Intergral Part of Canada Job Grant Implementation

Minister Kenney visits Winnipeg’s Robertson College

With the government of Manitoba and the federal government signing the final agreement related to the Canada Job Grant, career colleges are gearing up to respond to the needs of employers.

Employers wishing to take part in the Canada Job Grant program will look at post-secondary institutions able to offer training programs targeted to their needs. Career colleges are well positioned to respond to these needs and already have partnerships with various employers in Manitoba.

“Career colleges are an integral part of the post-secondary education sector and their innovative and flexible nature makes them natural partners for employers wishing to take part in the Canada Job Grant. Career colleges across Canada are demonstrating the success we can achieve when employers are directly involved in training decisions,” said Employment and Social Development and Multiculturalism Minister Kenney today during a visit to Robertson College.

“Career colleges work regularly with employers to train the employees that they need. The Canada Job Grant program will enable more employers to recruit skilled employees,” said Wayne Palendat, President of the Manitoba Association of Career Colleges.