Management to decide on the four-day workweek – DOLE

Following the proposal made by National Economic Development Authority chief Karl Chua to President Rodrigo Duterte to adopt a four-day workweek will be the discretion of management of establishments or companies, said the Department of Labor and Employment.

“We should try conserving our energy and one example is to have a four-day workweek. They can also save up because they won’t have to commute every day, and this will help us manage the economy,” said Karl Chua.

In the proposal, each Filipino will still work 40 hours a week . But instead of five days, it will be four; instead of eight hours a day, it will be 10 hours a day.

Meanwhile, in one of the interviews of Labor Undersecretary Banjo Benavidez, he said that the government will not be imposing the four-day workweek as a requirement as they are also thinking of a wage subsidy to offset the impact of oil crisis caused by the Russia-Ukraine war on poor families.