Still practice the safe protocol against COVID-19
Oh, Summer of 2020, so dreadful to celebrate when most of the major summer shows are cancelled or postponed. It would be drearily dull to spend our most precious summer rituals.
Blame that invisible enemy lurking upon us, fearing that we might get it if we do not follow the protocol for safety like hand washing, wearing a face mask and religiously following social distancing.
In the province, the famous prairie family fair, The Red River Ex; the most well-attended Winnipeg Folk Festival; and the travel to all nations without leaving Winnipeg, the Foklorama; the outdoor theatre-goers who flock to the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre; or to the shows of Shakespeare in the Ruins or at Rainbow Stage or at the MTC; and the annual Royal Winnipeg Ballet and the TeddyBears Picnic at the Assiniboine Park and outside Winnipeg, the summer festival in Steinbach, Dauphin’s Country Music Festival, Fort Whyte Alive, museums and more to be listed.
And in our community, the annual biggest and most colourful cultural and culinary festival, The Manitoba Filipino Street Festival; the Quezon Province Association of Manitoba’s “Santacruzan” with Pahiyas and procession of Reynas and sagalas, celebrating the harvest and flower festival of May; the Celebration of the Philippine Independence, and the local associations’ picnic and fish derby; the annual QPAM’s “Santa Cruzan” when the association celebrates the harvest and flower festivals.
Manitobans in general and Winnipeggers, in particular, do not belong to the dull generation! And to live in this beautiful province, for sure, there’s never a dull moment! Brace up and keep calm as the summer temperature is reaching a high degree. Plan, initiate and implement. And there are many ways to spend your summer 2020! You can make a big difference to spend your summer flings with unforgettable memories. And with so many varieties of activities at home, at the backyard, in your local neighbourhood, or at the nearest park, and as you go along, you might think that summer is too short to finish all your planned events.
Travel Manitoba’s #Stayhome is one of the venues to explore the beauty and charm of Manitoba while staying home. The Internet has become our household companions: we chat, we laugh, and we share the aches and pains shown in many YouTubes.
At home? A place where your loving heart is shrined and with an infinite variety of activities are to be done. Backyard gardening for your own use, like pechay, mustard, spinach and lettuce which you can harvest within a month; flower gardening especially if you like “edible flowers” for salad and stews! Cooking, canning and kitchen laboratory culinary exploits; and family backyard barbecue event. Inside, in between your tv and streaming shows, visit your pantry, look for family and friends pictures to re-album while listening to the oldies but goodies music; repainting and redecorating your living or family or master bedroom; dress-up your house with “oxygenated house plants.”Keep up with your collectibles like stamps, bits and pieces, English cup and saucer and figurines; get rid of some clutters to make your house, a real homey home.
At the park? While social distancing and wearing a face mask are safety measures, bring your family and enjoy your barbecue and picnic. Or just go biking and hiking as part of your cardio and healthy exercise. Go to the forest and enjoy the Japanese way of “Tree Therapy,” those trees offer some kind of calmness and relaxation. Go to the English Garden (hoping it will be open) and wallow yourself to the instant scents of the flowers and plants; play golf and go fishing with your loved ones (safety first in case you want to take a boat, with floater as protection.)
We are resourceful and creative, and within our inner-circle, there is an infinite variety of activities and “do-it-by-yourself” rituals.
Remember, Manitoba summer is short and so make the most of it!
And without knowing it, all other plans seem too many for a short period of summer.
Never to question how short is short; and how long is long. No matter what, make your Summer 2020 enjoyable and healthy against this peripatetic COVID-19!
Claim your freedom! Enjoy and count your blessings!