The Fil-Can Cabletow Lodge No 189 led by it’s Worshipful Master Cris Alip raised four Filipino Canadians to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons on November 23, 2012 at the East Kildonan Masonic Temple along East Kildonan Avenue in Winnipeg. The ceremony was well attended by the Manitoba Masons from different Lodges under the Jurisdiction of the Grand lodge of Manitoba. The four new Masons who were conferred the 3rd Degree of Master Masons ( Sublime Degree) include: Bro Jopay Pelayo; Bro Tony Bantados; Bro Bernie Llorente; and Bro Dong Golpe.The sumptuous dinner was served after the ceremony for the celebration and fellowship at the Lodge’s Dining Hall. The Worshipful Master Cris Alip congratulated the new Masons and thanked everyone for the successful ceremony.
Photo by Reyne Cruz | Filipino Journal