Michael Macaraeg is a teacher and a debate council coach at Morden Collegiate Institute. He was recently awarded the Canadian Student Debating Federation’s Willis S. McLeese Award for outstanding contribution to debate in Manitoba.
Macaraeg also co-organized the 53rd Annual National Student Debate Seminar last year where Morden was a host to the event.
“I’ve been fortunate that debate has really caught on here at Morden Collegiate, as well as having the support of our school division to host a national event in 2019.”
While Macaraeg appreciates the recognition that also gives a sense of validation to the work, he says it’s also a testament to how dedicated and passionate his students are to learn debate.
“I’ve been lucky to have some stellar students over the past five years who have always wanted to improve on public speaking and debate, regardless of where their starting point is,” he explains. “We just try to provide a fun and welcome learning environment and the students take it from there.”
SOURCE: Pembina Valley Online
Dr. Gigi Osler has recently been awarded the Distinguished Alumni Awards by the University of Manitoba. An ENT (ear, nose, throat) specialist at St. Boniface Hospital and an assistant professor in the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, Dr. Osler became the first female surgeon and the first woman of colour to become president of Canadian Medical Association 2 years ago. Her father was a doctor from India and her mother was a nurse from the Philippines. She was also the first female doctor from Manitoba to hold the office.
Dr. Osler is an outspoken advocate for groups who have been traditionally underrepresented in medicine, including female surgeons, and inspired the Association’s first policy on equity and diversity in medicine. In 2019, she was named CMA Trailblazer and one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women by the Women’s Enterprise Network the same year.
“I feel so privileged to be able to do what I do, to have been in the roles that I’ve been in, and I will use my voice and my power to speak out for change that is needed. I’d love for my legacy to be a better medical culture, a better medical profession, a better health care system, and a better world for my children and for everyone’s children.”
SOURCE: UM Today The Magazine