Why you should join the Filipino Anglers Association of Manitoba
If you are reading this article in Angler Management, there is a good chance that you are at the very least a casual angler.
Sport fishing for Filipinos in Manitoba is right up there with basketball, karaoke, and line dancing in terms of popular pastimes. The relatively recent explosion of ice fishing in this region has us Fil-Cans fishing all year round nowadays. The creation of an association that serves the interests of our unique community is something that I feel has long been needed. There are many benefits to being a part of a group of like-minded individuals. As a fledgling organization, let me outline a few points that will hopefully interest you in helping us to grow.
1. A strong collective voice representing the views and concerns of our community. There are perpetually going to be issues, initiatives, and policies regarding angling in this province. Things as macro as E-licensing to micro level stuff such as the closing of a waterway access point could be items that we would weigh in on. With FAAM, we plan to have our viewpoints and input heard by the powers that be.
2. Sharing of knowledge amongst anglers. I learned half of what I know about angling through networking with other enthusiasts. ‘Talking fishing’ as many of you can relate, is almost as fun as actually going fishing itself. During our bi-monthly meetings, we encourage members to share fishing reports, tips, and techniques. Whether through casual conversation, from someone ‘on the mic’, or on our online pages, you will definitely become a better angler and help others learn things as well.
3. Group events and fishing trips. From association derbies and competitions to organized excursions and family daytrips, we plan to have fun all year long doing something we all enjoy. Dip your feet into the world of competitive fishing with various events for fun or for prizes. Explore new waters and experiences as part of our group. Don’t have a boat, not a problem as we have many members who would welcome new mates on their vessels.
4. Store discounts and special offers. Much like several other angling associations in the province, we plan to negotiate a few store discounts for our members. 10% off at local tackle retailers for all card-carrying FAAM members is something all of us addicted to this expensive hobby could use I’m sure. As a group we would also be eligible to receive occasional special VIP offers from companies and manufacturers.
5. Much like our name suggests, we are family. From our family-friendly atmosphere to our camaraderie as fellow anglers, we welcome any and all to become a part of our association. We are not a group of elitists, meaning you don’t have to know much if anything at all about fishing to be a productive and valued member of the group. Many of us speak Tagalog, some of us speak Ilocano, and almost all of our existing membership at the very least understand Filipino (not just the bad words). We are also not a long time group of friends that would be intimidating to break into. The majority of us have only met through this first year of the association.
Looking to expand your knowledge about the sport? Looking to meet new fishing buddies? Looking to fish new waters and species? Looking for an activity and group that your entire family can join? Basically we have something for everyone who decides to join FAAM. These are only a few of the reasons. Members can be involved as much or as little as they wish or are available to be. We meet every second month at different venues. Our next meeting is our AGM at Glen Lawn Funeral Home. Check the accompanying poster for complete information. We hope to see you there. Please join our public Facebook page to keep up to date regarding upcoming meetings of the association.