All mothers are great and deserve honors and recognitions so the Original Filipino Seniors Association of Manitoba (OFSAM), in their yearly presentation of the Mother of the Year, the 2014 title is given to Angelita E.B. Maduro.
Presented lately at the Filipino Seniors Hall, 49 Euclid Ave., the 2014 Mother of the Year award was attended by officers and members of OFSAM together with their guests and family members of the awardee.
Honored to have her only son, Sgt. Virgilio Maduro, Jr., to be present at the celebration, Angelita had become the central figure on how mothers are being honored, rewarded and recognized. The officers and members of OFSAM offered flowers, sash, and gifts to the awardee.
For more information on how to join OFSAM please phone Letty Antonio, president: 204.783-8820 and send an email to E. Antonio: