7 Stories

7 Stories

This is a story of a man on the 7th storey ledge of a tall building as he contemplates his own suicide. Our protagonist is then interrupted by the building’s eccentric residents who are caught up in their own worlds to realize this man is in the middle of a crisis.

Derek Leenhouts, who plays the Man, holds the entire piece together without saying much;

Most of the dialogue is delivered by his cast mates, but Leenhouts’ character choices draw you into every scene. His silence and his expressions are so endearing, you can’t help but wish the others would just shut up and help him.

The pacing of the 90 minute show started off very slow and did seem to take awhile for the show to pick up for me, but once the play hit it’s stride it everything started to come together.

The superb acting performances from every cast member should be well noted. There is no denying that Mel Marginet and Derek Leenhouts have great on stage chemistry (The two gave brilliant performances with TBTR’s last fringe offering, LUNGS). However, it was Jaclyn Kurceba who stole the show for me as Nurse Wilson, the nurse who calls herself a humanitarian but despises people as individuals.

A very well deserved…

4 lumpia out of 5!